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 Passion for Science.

Excellence in communication. 


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I am an award-winning science journalist and consultant with over 25 years experience in science communication, media and public relations, advocacy and public engagement. I turn innovation into messages that are accessible and impactful.

I thrive in complexity. I eat and breath science. Let’s work together.

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Sergio Pistoi holds a Ph.D. in Molecular Biology and 25 years of science writing and science communication experience working  with research centers, EU-funded projects and companies. He has a beat for life science, medicine,  innovation, pharmaceuticals and biotechnology but also does well outside science. The rules of communication are universal.


Companies & Institutions

Expert strategic advice

Communication plans

Social Media Impact 

Impactful content for any media

EU Projects

Press releases

Media presence

Outreach and events

R&D portfolio management

Communication training


Contact me

press (at) sergiopistoi dot com

Don’t hesitate to write for any question or project. I’ll get back to you soon!